This post has over Three Millenia of 100% concordance with the fact that every single country that Jews have been invited in as guests, eventually uninvites us. Sometimes in the most unceremonious of ways.
Without exception to this fact, that when a society uninvites their “their” Jews, the dustbin of history awaits them. Don’t get me wrong, a society with Jews as members does not derive its success from their presence the same way by getting rid of “us” dooms them to failure solely because of either our presence or absence. It is more like having a fever, a sign of a potentially larger problem.
Antisemitism is a sign of a dysfunctional society.
A diseased society.
A society without a foundation of agreeable definitions of:
What is right vs. what is wrong.
What is a male or what is a female.
What can I say vs. what I cannot say.
A dysfunctional society, a diseased society is one that allows:
Bad actions or bad behavior without consequences.
The blurring of right vs. wrong.
Multiple “truths”.
No rules, no guidelines, no parenting – just “kids” or immature humans who can exert influence.
Antisemitism is built upon a society whose foundation is without rules, without boundaries, without agreed definitions of right or wrong, an inability to recognize simple facts of life, without a shred of the truth, of good, easily agreeable values.
Antisemitism is a sign of a diseased society, and often that disease is not kind to the host [country]. In this case the host does not have “organs” but has other groups of humans that comprise it. Because we are all guests in our society, not just the Jews. We are all members of some group, a smaller part than the whole.
This post is a warning to all. Our society has a fever. Antisemitism is just a sign of something very wrong here in the United States of America. Something I never thought I would see given our temporal proximity to the Holocaust – the reason so many Jews currently live here.
And there is no need to worry about us Jews.
We have over a 3,000-year history of survival.
Of being invited, and then uninvited.
Of surviving far worse than what we are currently experiencing here in the United States of America.
People here get to choose where they live. Their neighbors, their guests. How they want to live, under which set of laws and rules. What type of behavior and ethics and morals they have and experience.
This is the question you need to answer, now. And you will make a decision one way or the other. By doing nothing you are doing something. If you have a fever or the world's worst headache, by ignoring the warning signs that something is wrong – is doing something. You are choosing to do nothing about something.
While you can, do something. It will benefit you, and yours for generations to come. The United States of America I believe is the best opportunity that Jews have had to live [here], until we voluntarily want to leave. Since 1584 when the first Jew moved to America – for 460 years there has never been a reason to think that we would ever want to leave, or have to.
Hugs and love to all,
Wishes for a great day,
Each one a gift,
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