Everyone of us has problems. They come in all sizes, shapes, and densities. It is part of life, an important part of life. There is no avoiding them. No choice.
You do have a choice as to how to handle them. Two choices in fact. One is you can suffer your way through your problem. The "oh woe is me" approach. Look at me suffer. Hoping to gain some pity or understanding potentially. Allowing problems to grow and pile up and on you. Not good, in fact a bad choice to choose to suffer.
The better choice is to be proactive and solve your problem. Tackle it. Head on. The only person preventing you from doing that – is you!
By taking a proactive stance, by starting the process of fixing your problem you will immediately feel better. It will decompress you and the process of solving your problem will make you better equipped to handle the next one. And there will be a next one, if not more than one at a time.
You will add tools to your toolbox – be not only better equipped to handle your problem(s), but even help others with theirs. And maybe, even gain enough strength and confidence to accept new challenges/problems.
Be a problem solver.
Wishes for a great day to all,
Hugs too,
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